Photographer Interview: Spotlight on Event Photographer Gabriel


Where did you grow up and did that place influence your work?

I grew up in a small city from Romania called Oradea. The old city was built by the Austro-Hungarian empire and it has amazing architecture and old cobbled stone streets that I used to love walking around doing street photography. That helped me see shapes and interesting compositions early on.

How did you get into photography?

A good friend of mine got me into it on a trip around the country. He showed me the magic of the rule of thirds and the beauty of a silhouette and then I was hooked.

What’s been the biggest highlight in your career so far?

I had the chance to spend 3 full days with American Governor  and presidential candidate Scott Walker and document his time in the UK. 

Is there a project you’ve been wanting to shoot but not had a chance to yet?  Dream subject?

I've been meaning to do astro photography for a while now, but living in London is not exactly the best place to be for it.

People, my dream subject is shooting people in their environment. Learning their stories  and experiences is fascinating to me. 


Which photographer has most influenced your work and why?  Which photography book do you keep returning to?

Amy Smyth (the original owner and creator of Raccoon London) she was my first mentor and had a huge influence on me, how I approach event and wedding photography, how to blend in with the crowd, how to create flattering light and probably most important how to conduct my self in a professional manner when at an event or with a client. She was amazing with me and I can't thank her enough for trusting me.

The book that I keep going back to is The Decisive Moment by Henri Cartier-Bresson.

What purchase of £100 or less has most positively impacted your life in the last six months or recently?

MagMod starter flash kit - life saver.

What is one of the best or most worthwhile investments you’ve ever made (could be money, time, energy etc)?

The MagMod starter flash kit, such a huge time and space saver.

What is one unusual habit or an absurd thing that you love?

Lists, I've got a list for everything.

In the last five years, what new belief, behaviour, or habit has most improved your life?

Don't leave for tomorrow what you can do today. This is an old romanian proverb and I do my best to keep true to it.

What recommendations do you have for someone wanting to become a photographer?  Or what advice do you wish you’d heard before starting out?


Find a mentor as soon as you can and work with that person for as long as you can. That experience is invaluable.

When you are feeling creatively stuck, what do you do or what do you ask yourself?

I go back to one of my mental lists and see how I can spice things up.

What is unique in your work or approach that separates you from other photographers?

It's got to be my outgoing and friendly personality.

How important do you think social media output and engagement is in the create industry?  Has the impact been positive or negative?


Social media output and engagement is probably the number one tool for creatives.

If you weren’t a photographer - what would you be?

Something techy, programmer maybe or a youtuber, I naver gave it much thought... 


To book Gabriel for your event shoot in London get in touch at